The Only Chocolate Mousse Recipe You'll Ever Need

24 May 2013

We have a tradition in our house, where on their birthdays we let the children to choose their birthday dinner menu. Last week, on Arthur's birthday, he requested a chocolate mousse for pudding. I love a good chocolate mousse, but tend not to make them that often, so I set about my cookbook collection to find a suitable recipe. 

From Leon: Baking & Puddings, I decided to try the chocolate mousse recipe which is the creation of Leon co-founder Allegra McEvedy. I often adapt many of the recipes that I take from my cookbooks if the mood takes me, but this was a Lily that needed no gilding. I will never need turn to any other chocolate mousse recipe again. This one ticked all the boxes.

I left out the orange oil, simply as I had non to hand and topped my mousse with some chopped pistachio, because the boy loves a nut and I have a weakness for their vibrant green colour. 

Chocolate Mousse

serves 4

100 g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids)
30 g unsalted butter
2 free-range egg yolks
1 shot of dark espresso
a drop of orange oil or very finely grated zest of half an orange (optional)
3 free-range egg whites
15 g fructose, or 20g caster sugar

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt with the butter until smooth in a large bowl in the microwave, or over a pan of simmering water, making sure the water does not touch the surface of the bowl.

Separately whisk the eggs yolks until nearly white and thick in consistency. Gently stir the whisked yolks into the butter and chocolate, then stir in the coffee and orangey bit, if you are adding it.

Use an electric hand whisk to whip the egg whites to soft peaks, then add the fructose or sugar and whisk for another minute just to get that shine.

Beat a third of the egg white into the chocolate mixture until smooth, then add the next third more gently, and the last with the strokes of an angel.

Neither over-mix or leave white streaks, then divide into pretty things and leave in the fridge for an hour.

Images: Buttercup Days

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